
As compensation, in accordance with the law of Ukraine, we give you the right to choose the same product from another lot, or to choose another product for the same amount of money. If you want to exchange a factory defect, we will pay for the return shipping. If you exchange a quality product, you pay for delivery.

Defective product

It is impossible to eliminate the defect.

It takes more than two weeks to eliminate the defect.

The defect changes the product, so it does not correspond to its description in the purchase contract.

Defective goods are subject to return.

After that, you choose a convenient method of compensation for you:

exchanging the product for a similar product of the same quality (if there is no such product at the moment, you can wait until it appears or choose another compensation method); receive another product for the same amount that you paid for the defective product; refund for the amount for which you bought this product.

Return of quality goods

The second reason is that the product is of high quality, but you simply did not like it or it did not suit you in terms of color, size, etc. Within 14 days, you have the full right to return the product that you did not like.

For this, there are several conditions that must be met by you:

preservation of the complete set of goods; preservation of intact factory packaging, seals, seals; the product is stored in the form in which it was purchased; the product was not used.